INNOBIO is a leader in the animal health and nutrition
industry, providing feed manufactures and livestock
farmers with innovative products.
In 1979, Mr.Y.S.Baek began offering macro minerals
to the Korean animal industry. The Company has become
today’s Innobio ? a Korean leader in animal feed
and supplements.
In 1999, our business was enlarged to the plant
nutrition & fertilizer. Today, we are striving
to be the 21st century’s leading global company
for innovative and safe feed supplements and fertilizer.
In 2001, we developed the Chelated mineral for the
first time in Korea, resulted from the several year’s
research. Our chelated minerals are rapidly replacing
the imported products in the Korean market.
The company places major importance on research
and development and our efforts lead to regular
introductions of new and improved feed supplements.
We transform technology into products that improve
the productivity and reproduction capabilities of
livestock and plant.
Our company aimed at achieving great feed efficiency
food quality and consistency as well as improving
the well-being of animal, plant and eventually human.
Our products and services include micro-minerals,
macro-minerals, bio-chelated minerals, microbial
products and odor products.